W. Edwin Miller
Where others see buildings and neighborhoods whose best days are behind them, Pro Development envisions new sources for community pride.
In Lancaster, in Harrisburg, and in Chester County, both individual neighborhoods and entire communities are benefiting from Pro Development’s vision and expertise. The Governor Hotel in Harrisburg, the King Theatre Apartments in Lancaster, and many other projects across the region carry the Pro Development signature.
Of course, the process is neither quick nor easy. Revitalizing a standing building is a much more involved process than turning a cornfield into an apartment complex. A conversion project requires the cooperation of a number of public and private entities. Fortunately, Pro Development’s specialty is in knowing how to get all the parties involved working together toward a common goal.
For instance, the Nissly Chocolate Factory Apartments in Mount Joy were created by bringing private and public resources together to turn what was an empty industrial building into affordable housing for senior citizens. The result: a bright, cheery ‘”home base” (complete with over 5,400 windows) for a ‘”new generation” of community residents.
The same sort of good things can happen in your area. An empty warehouse or neglected lot can be productive again once you develop the right project and assemble the right construction, financial and management team.
The process may stretch two years or more between the first meeting and the first day of construction, which is why it’s so important to make sure all interested parties are on the same page at the same time. And that’s why there’s Pro Development.
In the field of property revitalization, Pro Development plays a unique role. Ownership is not our priority, and neither is property management. Our value is in knowing how all the pieces of the puzzle work together . . . and in making sure the finished project is a perfect fit.
In any given project, Pro Development may play a role in any or all of the following stages:
1. Identify the Opportunity
2. Site Selection
3. Property Acquisition Negotiations
4. Feasibility Determinations
5. Cultivate Community Support
6. Identify Potential Developers
7. Formulate Development Proposals
8. Select Architect, Attorney, General Contractor
9. Oversee Preliminary Project Design
10. Develop Tenant Support Service Programs
11. Make Funding Applications to Local, State Agencies
12. Apply for Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program Funding
13. Apply for Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits
14. Solicit Equity Investment
15. Obtain Zoning Permits
16. Value Engineering / Contract Negotiations
17. Funding Commitment Documentation / Underwriting
18. Secure Utilities / Insurance Requirements
19. Facilitate Closing Procedures
20. Act as Managing General Partner of the Developer’s Limited Partnership
21. Oversee Construction Administration
22. Monitor ongoing Regulatory Compliance
As the list indicates, the revitalization process can be both complex and time-consuming. But having been in the business since 1990, I know my way in this field; I can handle every step for you. As your agent, I will represent your interests efficiently and economically.
Call me today at 717-468-8811 to discuss how I can help to revitalize your property and your community . . . and achieve your goals.